While Shirley worried that some of the issues she faced would affect her service, the children and adults in Primary listened intently to the stories of her life and the testimony those experiences had shaped. We felt the love she had for the Lord and all of us and we were blessed to simply be in her presence. She accepted the opportunity to serve in faith that the Lord would make her efforts enough and while being blessed by her wisdom, her steadiness, and love, I came to understand that through her lifetime of faith, it wasn’t as much what she did, it was who she had become.
This week Shirley’s backyard was filled with friends and family who spanned her nine decades celebrating her birthday, a small glimpse of the fruits of her life. A life filled with ongoing moments of faith, forgiveness, repentance, laughter, kindness, prayer, work, hope, and love that have created a harvest of influence that will last eternally.