Impossible Reality

After celebrated success as a half-back football player at the University of Utah, newly graduated Preston Summerhays accepted a position teaching and coaching in the small rural community of St. Anthony, Idaho.  It was 1931 and Preston’s contract for nine months held the indefinite phrase, “providing that economic conditions will permit…”  As the Great Depression gripped the country, School District No. 2 of Fremont County was not certain they would have the means to keep school open for the entire year.

It was a tenuous time, yet with audacious optimism, during the first year of his tenure, Preston taught, coached and gathered support for St. Anthony’s first golf course.  In the spring of 1932 a ground lease was signed, “Fairways…[were] grubbed out and cleared of rocks and sand greens put in together with tee boxes…being located along the Snake river with an abundance of grass and fine trees.” (The Post Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho June 28, 1932)   

Over the summer Preston managed the course, organized and played in matches with teams from other towns, and offered golf lessons.  In spite of the economic outlook, “the Hollow Tree Forest golf course has been very popular this summer and fall.  Plans for extensive improvements to the course for next season are being made at this time.” (Ibid October 20, 1932). What would seem impossible during such difficult times became a reality.

Though the future may feel doubtful, we can express our own hope that through the plan of the Savior the

challenges of life will not defeat us but allow us to thrive by overcoming.  “Be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.  The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours.” (D&C 78:18)   Have hope, we can each triumph through Him.